Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Blog 4 - Personalized Topic Report - Due 9-Oct

I want you to use this next blog as an opportunity for you to explore your paper topic. This is not a final contract on your topic - you can certainly change your topic after you write this. The whole point of this blog is to explore the topic enough so that you and I feel comfortable about your ability to create a full paper out of it. Here is what I would like to see included:

- Idea for the topic, fleshed out as much as possible - this can also include all the questions you have about the topic at this point. Use the blog as a brainstorming session for yourself to get your ideas out there and make this a first attempt at organizing your thoughts around the topic.

- Why is this topic interesting to you? Remember: this is a big goal for the assignment!

- What is the connection to the gathering and identification of key customer insights, the design of valuable customer experiences, , the design thinking process, and/or the analysis or development of a business model framework? (at least, as you see it right now)

- Cite and briefly describe at least one article that is related to your topic (this can be either an academic article or trade article, at this point). Do your best to find an article that might be a central source or guidepost for your paper.

Do not forget the minimum length guidelines. Also, try NOT to write in sentence fragments, although a list here and there is fine.

I will be reading all of these posts so that I can provide feedback on what you have thus far.

Students often ask me for example topics, so I thought I would give you a few examples from past semesters.  Please keep in mind that the goal of this paper is for you to choose something YOU are interested in rather than choosing a topic that would really be of interest to someone else.

"Hispanics as Early Tablet Adopters: What does this mean for technology companies in the future?"
"The Modern Man, Post-Divorce"
"Take a Shot: Using Design Thinking to Develop a New Bar Concept"
"Using Augmented Reality to Create Enriching Customer Experiences"
"Who Will Win: Apple, Google, Facebook, or Amazon?"
"Rise of Collaborative Consumption and Its Relevance to Our Startup"

Have fun with it!

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